Hadron physics, with its focus on understanding the intricate structures and interactions of quarks and gluons, remains a critical area within high-energy physics and quantum chromodynamics (QCD). For researchers in this field, conferences offer not only the chance to share insights and recent findings but also invaluable opportunities for collaboration and networking. From hadron spectroscopy and structure to exotic states and heavy quark physics, these events gather experts from across the globe to explore new experimental results and theoretical advancements.
This post lists key conferences in hadron physics and related topics, offering a go-to resource for staying connected and informed. As new events arise, we’ll update this post to keep it current and relevant for the research community.
1. Hadron Series
- International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure
- Topics: Hadron structure, spectroscopy, QCD exotics, and hadronic physics at facilities worldwide.
- (Hadron 2025) Osaka, Japan.
- (Hadron 2023) Genova, Italy.
- (Hadron 2021) Mexico city, Mexico.
- (Hadron 2019) Guilin, China.
- (Hadron 2017) Salamanca, Spain.
- (Hadron 2015) Newport News, USA.
- (Hadron 2013) Nara, Japan.
- (Hadron 2011) Munich, Germany.
- (Hadron 2009) Tallahassee, USA.
- (Hadron 2007) Frascati, Italy.
- (Hadron 2005) Rio de Janerio, Brazil.
- (Hadron 2003) Aschaffenburg, Germany.
- (Hadron 2001) Protvino, Russia.
- (Hadron 1999) Beijing, China.
- (Hadron 1997) Upton, USA.
- (Hadron 1995) Manchester, UK.
- (Hadron 1993) Como, Italy.
- (Hadron 1991) College Park, USA.
- (Hadron 1989) Ajaccio, France.
- (Hadron 1987) Tsukuba, Japan.
- (Hadron 1985) College Park, USA.
2. Confinement Series
- International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
- Topics: Quark confinement, hadron spectroscopy, lattice QCD, and non-perturbative QCD
- (Confinement 2024) Cairns, Australia.
- (Confinement 2022) Stavanger, Norway.
- (Confinement 2021) Online, Norway.
- (Confinement 2018) Maynooth, Ireland.
- (Confinement 2016) Thessaloniki, Greece.
- (Confinement 2014) St. Peterburg, Russia.
- (Confinement 2012) Munich, Germany.
- (Confinement 2010) Madrid, Spain.
- (Confinement 2008) Mainz, Germany.
- (Confinement 2006) Azores, Portugal.
- (Confinement 2004) Sardinia, Italy.
- (Confinement 2002) Brescia, Italy.
- (Confinement 2000) Vienna, Austria.
- (Confinement 1998) Newport News, USA.
- (Confinement 1994) Como, Italy.
3. Baryons Series
- International Conference on the Structure of Baryons
- Topics: Baryon spescroscopy, structure, and interaction
- (Baryons 2025) Jeju, South Korea.
- (Baryons 2022) Seville, Spain.
- (Baryons 2021) Seville, Spain.
- (Baryons 2016) Tallahasee, USA.
- (Baryons 2013) Glasgow, UK.
- (Baryons 2010) Osaka, Japan.
- (Baryons 2007) Seoul, South Korea.
- (Baryons 2004) Palaiseau, France.
- (Baryons 2002) Newport News, USA.
- (Baryons 1998) Bonn, Germany.
- (Baryons 1995) Santa Fe, USA.
- (Baryons 1992) New Haven, USA.
- (Baryons 1970) Duke University, USA.
4. QNP Series
- International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics
- Topics: hadron and nuclear structure, and hot and cold dense matter.
- (QNP 2024) Barcelona, Spain.
- (QNP 2022) Tallahassee, USA.
- (QNP 2018) Tsukuba, Japan.
- (QNP 2015) Valparaiso, Chile.
- (QNP 2012) Palaiseau, France.
- (QNP 2009) Beijing, China.
- (QNP 2006) Madrid, Spain.
- (QNP 2002) Julich, Germany.
- (QNP 2000) Adelaide, Australia.
- (QNP 1997) Osaka, Japan.
5. HYP Series
- International Conference on Hypernulear and Strange Particle Physics
- Topics: hypernuclei, strangeness, heavy-ion collision, astrophysics
- (HYP 2025) Tokyo, Japan.
- (HYP 2022) Prague, Czech Republic.
- (HYP 2018)
- (HYP 2015)
- (HYP 2012)
- (HYP 2009)
- (HYP 2006)
- (HYP 2003)
- (HYP 2000)
- (HYP 1997)
- (HYP 1994)
- (HYP 1991)
- (HYP 1988)
- (HYP 1985)
- (HYP 1982)
6. LC Series
- International Conference on Hadrons on the Light Cone
- Topics: hadron structure, light cone, partonic structure
- (LC 2024) Huizou, China.
- (LC 2022) Online, Russia.
- (LC 2021) Jeju, South Korea.
- (LC 2019)
- (LC 2018)
- (LC 2017)
- (LC 2016)
- (LC 2015)
- (LC 2014)
7. HP Series
- International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
- Topics: jet, quarkonia, nuclear PDF, high-momentum hadrons
- (HP 2024) Nagasaki, Japan.
- (HP 2022)
- (HP 2020)
- (HP 2018)
- (HP 2016)
- (HP 2015)
- (HP 2013)
- (HP 2012)
8. FB Series
- International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
- Topics: few-body, hadron, nuclei, atom, molecule
- (FB 2024) Beijing, China.
9. APFB Series
- Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
- Topics: few-body, hadron, nuclei, atom, molecule
- (APFB 2020) Online, Japan.
10. EFB Series
- European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
- Topics: few-body, hadron, nuclei, atom, molecule
- (EFB 2023) Mainz, Germany.
11. MENU Series
- International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon
- Topics: Nucleon structure, hadron spectroscopy
- (MENU 2023) Mainz, Germany.
- (MENU 2019) Pittsburgh, USA.
- (MENU 2016) Kyoto, Japan.
- (MENU 2013) Rome, Italy.
- (MENU 2010) Williamsburg, USA.
- (MENU 2007) Jülich, Germany.
- (MENU 2004) Beijing, China.
- (MENU 2003) Beijing, China.
- (MENU 2001) Washington, USA.
- (MENU 1999) Zuoz, Switzerland.
- (MENU 1997) Vancouver, Canada.
12. Meson Series
- International Workshop on Meson Physics
- Topics: meson structure, spesctorscopy, production, and interaction.
- (Meson 2023) Krakow, Poland.
- (Meson 2020)
- (Meson 2018)
- (Meson 2016)
- (Meson 2014)
- (Meson 2012)
- (Meson 2010)
- (Meson 2008)
- (Meson 2006)
- (Meson 2004)
- (Meson 2002)
- (Meson 1996)
13. QM Series
- International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
- Topics: QCD phase diagram, Chirality, QCD matter.
- (QM 2025) Frankfurt, Germany.
14. SQM Series
- International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter
- Topics: Strangeness in nuclear collision and astrophysics.
- (SQM 2024) Strasbourg, France.
- (SQM 2022) Busan, South Korea.
15. CD Series
- International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics
- Topics: Goldstone-boson dynamics, few-body sytems, and hadron structure.
- (CD 2024) Bochum, Germany.
- (CD 2021)
- (CD 2018)
- (CD 2015)
16. INPC Series
- International Conference on Nuclear Physics
- Topics: Nuclear and hadron physics.
- (INPC 2022) Cape Town, South Africa.
- (INPC 2019)
- (INPC 2016)
- (INPC 2013)
17. NSTAR Series
- International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons
- Topics: Baryon structure, spectrum, and production.
- (NSTAR 2024) York, UK.
- (NSTAR 2022) Genova, Italy.
- (NSTAR 2019)
18. PANIC Series
- International Conference on Particles and Nuclei
- Topics: Hot and dense matter physics, hadrons in medium.
- (PANIC 2021) Lisbon, Portugal.
- (PANIC 2017)
- (PANIC 2014)
- (PANIC 2011)
19. J-PARC Series
- International Symposium on Science at J-PARC
- Topics: Particle and nuclear physics, and accelerator science
- (J-PARC 2024) Mito, Japan.
- (J-PARC 2019)
- (J-PARC 2014)
- (J-PARC 2009)
20. CHEP Series
- International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics
- Topics: Simulation, computing infrastructure
- (CHEP 2026) Bangkok, Thailand.
- (CHEP 2024) Krakow, Poland.
- (CHEP 2023)
- (CHEP 2021)
21. Lattice Series
- International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
- Topics: Lattice QCD
- (Lattice 2024) Liverpool, UK.
- (Lattice 2023) Batavia, USA.
- (Lattice 2022) Bonn, Germany.
22. XQCD Series
- International Conference on QCD in Extreme Conditions
- Topics: QCD at Finite Temperature and Density, QGP
- (XQCD 2025) Wroclaw, Poland.
- (XQCD 2024) Lanzhou, China.
- (XQCD 2023) Coimbra, Portugal.
23. Kaon Series
- International Conference on Kaon Physics
- Topics: CP and T violation, CKM matrix, flavor mixing, Rare decays
- (Kaon 2025) Mainz, Germany.
- (Kaon 2022) Osaka, Japan.
- (Kaon 2019) Perugia, Italy
24. EuNPC Series
- European Conference on Nuclear Physics
- Topics: Hadron and Nuclear Physics.
- (EuNPC 2025) Caen, France.
- (EuNPC 2022)
- (EuNPC 2018)
25. DIS Series
- International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects
- Topics: Structure Functions and Parton Densities, Small x.
- (DIS 2024) Grenoble, France.
- (DIS 2023) East Lansing, USA.
- (DIS 2022) Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
26. ATHIC Series
- Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference
- Topics: QCD Phase Diagram, Heavy-ion collision, hard probe.
- (ATHIC 2025) Odisha, India.
- (ATHIC 2023) Hiroshima, Japan
- (ATHIC 2021) Incheon, South Korea
- (ATHIC 2018) Hefei, China.
- (ATHIC 2016) New Delhi, India.
- (ATHIC 2014) Osaka, Japan.
- (ATHIC 2012) Pusan, South Korea.
- (ATHIC 2010) Wuhan, China.
- (ATHIC 2008) Tsukuba, Japan.
- (ATHIC 2006) Seoul, South Korea.
27. PDFLattice Series
- International Workshop on Parton Distributions and Lattice Calculations
- Topics: QCD Phase Diagram, Heavy-ion collision, hard probe.
- (PDFLattice 2025) News Port, USA.
- (PDFLattice 2019) Hickory Corners, USA.
- (PDFLattice 2017) Oxford, UK.
28. QCD@LHC Series
- International Workshop on Parton Distributions and Lattice Calculations
- Topics: QCD Phase Diagram, Heavy-ion collision, hard probe.
- (QCD@LHC 2024) Freiburg, Germany.
- (QCD@LHC 2023) Durham, UK.
- (QCD@LHC 2022) Orsay, France.
29. ISMD Series
- International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics
- Topics: Femtoscopy, Forward physics, Jet, Small-x.
- (ISMD 2023) Gyöngyös, Hungary.
- (ISMD 2022) Scotland, UK.
- (ISMD 2021) Online, UK.